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With Her, Without Her, I Still Love Her

She held me tight in her warm loving arms
Protecting me
She helped me walk and watched me fall through life
She nurtured me
She gave me life and held my hand when small
Love she gave me
She was always there when I had got hurt
Kissing my sores and cleaning up the dirt

A nurse she was when I got very sick
Caring Mother
Her love was always deep within my heart
Loved my Mother
At times we became very far apart
Still loved Mother
She understood I loved her through the years
Knowing we both shed happy and sad tears

She was the best Offering love could bring
I miss her so
She was my best friend throughout all the years
I told her so
I wanted her to know how much I cared
She knew it so
Thanked her for every moment given me
She smiled and laughed the last day with me

Twinklewriter 5-11-08
(Cavatina Form)
