Magical Mirror Part 1 I went to the carnival with magical mirrors ;-) Oh, so dark and spooky; no ones inside here? =:-O I followed the glowing white thin line in fear = : O Here's the story of the Magical Mirrors ;-# I finally reached the first shining glass .-\ I took a peek and I looked quit unique :-) I took off my pink dress, looking fine and sleek *-) I heard a voice whisper wow...fine tight Arse ;-) I was smiling and grinning I looked real great ;-) I was praying the next mirror would tell me more ;-) Part 2 I left completely exposed, where was loving mate? >-( I ran to the next mirror...wide eyed hoping to score ;-) Seeing the image of the body of me :-# Geesh, what a mess I didn't want to see -( What happened to my body, now covered in fat :-(( sagging boobs and cottage cheese legs fat, fat, fat, fat, fat! :-[ bowing head to the floor, I read the message. last mirror ahead, : ( it will lift you spirits and leave you totally thankful for who you are : ) Quickly I moved to the Last mirror for God was there to admire ;-) He sighed; Ah! your soul is the treasure and pleasure desire ;-))) Twinklewriter 4-13-08 Sonnettina Due Form |