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Flower Power #1

Flower Power #1

She is a pink Acacia,
elegant a lady she be
She holds yellow Acacias,
not telling love secrets of he
She is his finest collection
an Acanthus not to betray
She will sway with his direction
She is a pink Acacia

She is a pink Acacia
From time to time hopeless she be
A gift of snowdrop blossoms frayed
Giving her hope and setting free
Thoughts of painful recollections
Scattered ‘round her Agrimony
of her firm appreciation
She is a pink Acacia

She is a pink Acacia
held guilt inside her, she sees
Lovers of Almond flavored days
some lack of will and frenzy
From past actions and transgressions
many Aloes were potpourri
Removed from grieving emotions
She is a pink Acacia

Flowered messages creations
Spoken and written to portray
bouquets of Jonquils affection
She is a pink Acacia

Twinklewriter 2007